VoiceComputer. Computer control by numbers.

We didn't make Dragon.

We make it usable.

25 years of innovation

Like nothing you've experienced before

Speech recognition usability through 25 years of inventions and innovations.

We have made Dragon truly user-friendly by simplifying it and making it more powerful.

This page is an overview of our speech recognition innovations and product introductions at VoiceTeach LLC.

1994  VoiceWare Systems opened as a speech recognition training and speech recognition development company.

Providing speech recognition training gave our development team a unique perspective. Our developers saw the difficulties that users had with commercial speech recognition programs. It was clear that speech recognition programs were awkward to use and did not meet user needs. 

For 25 years we have been able to test our innovations and improvements with real users, not usability testers, but users who needed to perform their jobs with speech recognition.

1994  VoiceWare Systems introduced VoicePedals for IBM's Personal Dictation System.

IBM introduced its Personal Dictation System (PDS) at the end of 1993.

PDS was an innovative and very powerful dictation system, but stopping and starting dictation and turning on and off its microphone was very awkward.

VoiceWare's VoicePedals let users turn the microphone on and off and start and stop dictation with the tap of a foot pedal.  It also had an Oops pedal that deleted the last word dictated. Dozens of additional commands were created to meet client needs.

Simply speaking, VoicePedals made it easy to use the Personal Dictation System.

1997  VoiceWare Systems introduced VoiceSwitch.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 1.0 was introduced. It was the first continuous dictation system.

NatSpeak 1.0 had little microphone control and very few commands. It didn't let users control their computers by voice.

VoiceWare's VoiceSwitch let users turn the Dragon NaturallySpeaking microphone on and off by voice. It also let users switch between DragonDictate (or Kurzweil Voice) and Dragon NaturallySpeaking.

VoiceSwitch gave users the best of both worlds – the continuous speech dictation capabilities of Dragon NaturallySpeaking and the hands-free capabilities of DragonDictate (or of Kurzweil).

1998  VoiceWare Systems introduced VoicePlus. VoicePlus introduced hundreds of productivity commands for Dragon NaturallySpeaking

1999  VoiceWare Systems introduced VoiceTeach for Dragon NaturallySpeaking. VoiceTeach featured the world’s first help and training system for Dragon. VoiceTeach also included hundreds of productivity commands

2001   VoiceWare Systems introduced Voice Mouse, the world’s most powerful and easy-to-use voice controlled mouse.

2003   We introduced a completely interactive help and training system for Dragon (patented) that let VoiceTeach users receive help and training as they worked.

2004   VoiceWare Systems became VoiceTeach LLC.

2004   We introduced a whole new technology that let speech users control their Windows desktop with simple numeric commands. The technology also let users access and control their files, folders by just following numbers (patented).

2008  VoiceTeach became VoicePower Ultimate and added thousands of additional productivity commands and a simple way to let users create voice macros without scripting

2010  VoicePower Ultimate won the 2010 da Vinci Award for excellence in assistive technology software

2012   VoicePower Ultimate was renamed VoiceComputer and introduced Intags, a simple, ergonomic way to control your computer by voice. Voice Control by just following numbers.

2013  VoiceComputer introduced My Intags and other enhancements to Intags.  Intags became the world’s first and only global speech interface. (Patented) 

2014  VoiceComputer introduced a microphone on/off app for those who want hands-free use of Dragon. Our VC Microphone lets you turn the Dragon microphone on and off by voice and it lets you open, restart Dragon and restart your computer. By voice. Our VC Microphone is another one of our speech recognition innovations. It lets you set the accuracy requirements very high to prevent false positives AND it makes it easy for the system to understand you if you need to repeat the command. 

2014  VoiceComputer introduced the Intag extension to provide mouse-free browsing for Google Chrome. Use with VoiceComputer to control Chrome with simple voice commands. The Intag extension can be customized to make previously inaccessible web and Intranet sites accessible.

2017  VoiceComputer introduced simultaneous Intagging (numbering) of your applications and the Windows Taskbar.  Now you can control your applications by voice and you can switch between - and even resize and reposition - your applications with a single command.

VoiceComputer. We simplify Dragon while making it easier-to-use and more powerful. Speech recognition usability through innovation.

Be pain-free at your PC

Computer Control, by Voice!

The idea behind VoiceComputer was to build the ultimate desktop experience. We re-invented/re-engineered computer control to take the repetitive out of repetitive stress, the stress out of repetitive computing.

Now you use voice control instead of your mouse or touchpad or use your voice in conjunction with your mouse/touchpad.

We make accessibility simple and productive.